AG旗舰厅 智能化古筝
AG旗舰厅 智能化手风琴是首都AG旗舰厅 手风琴投资控股工厂非常有限制的工厂与森兰信心新材料技术(杭州)非常有限制的工厂强强合力研制成功而出。
AG旗舰厅 知慧长笛构建目前高新自动化及普通意义化长笛建设加工工艺流程 ,是一家子福人的长笛,是自主创新,也是艺术类。其教研辅助制作实用效果强劲,是小孩学琴的好好搭档、“好任课老师”;但是不容易弹长笛的亲戚朋友也可以用游戏娱乐本人学习实用效果弹曲动听轻音乐;智能的演唱实用效果,以普通意义化长笛音标发音原则合作智能的化的控制技巧,非凡显现长笛艺术大师发挥;强劲音源程序,在弹曲历程中立即利用本人要求来只有变调,延迟,多个智能的演唱等控制;实用效果强劲,正式的“黑高新自动化”,摘除电原她那就是架飞机扎扎实实的普通意义化长笛,插上电原她立即摇身一变可供一家子福人享用的知慧长笛。
·Only 15 minutes are taken to learn playing the authorized authentic version of pop music with the waterfall on the screen well.
·Correctable and gradable video accompanying practice and teaching guidance function.
·Automatic play can be achieved by pressing keys to drive actions to strike strings with electromagnetic components.
·Super-large screen can display how-to video corresponding to real piano keyboard in 1:1 size.
· Playing can be recorded and the recorded music can be automatically generated, replayed and shared.
·Creative pedals can be used to control the page turning and change the speed timely
·Forming on online band easily
·Mobile remote control function
Function Introduction (Innovative Function subverting the traditional)
Function One: Auto-Play
With the acoustic piano pronouncing principle and advanced auto-control technology, the master piano play can be perfectly reproduced. Notable piano performances are precisely showed, listened and enjoyed in home.
Features in 128-level strengthimitation, long time in playing and auto-sustaining pedals.
4K 混凝土泵送清展示屏 和手风琴数字键1:1长度的独特大屏,每秒60帧的视频及在LCD 高清显示屏上贴合整块黑色镀膜玻璃的技术使得观感柔和不伤眼。
apple电脑主机 内嵌Mac Mini 主机,Mac OS 操作系统,及双USB、音响输出、耳机及麦克风接口。
Function Two:Integration of modern technology and traditional mechanical principle
4K Ultra High Definition Display Screen, a unique large screen with 1:1 length of the piano keyboard, videos of 60 frames per second are comfortable for users’ eyes by the technology of placing the whole black coated glass on the LCD high-definition display.
117 degrees, the ergonomic view angle, is the angle between the screen and the keys.
A Mac Mini host, Mac OS operating system, dual USB, audio output, headphones and microphone are set up.
Function Three: Intelligent Accompanying Practice
Instructions on the screen are helpful for parents to guide their children study on their own.
Correct-play-to-march-on function effectively enables children to read the staff accurately and improve the efficiency of piano practice. Correct-play-to-march-on function advance single-hand practice.
Comprehensive valuations on pitch, tempo and data analysis are used to understand the children’s learning.
来自五湖四海全球几大背景音月专科院校涉及到中心背景音月学校、北京AG旗舰厅 背景音月学校、全球背景音月学
拿来有所差异极别的理论相关知识教本培训课外,还老牌曲的巨匠赏鉴课, 香港国际有名的古筝吹奏家在智力古筝上为您详细讲解这么多名曲后边的内容。感兴趣古典艺术音乐视频的您总该和幼儿分着在智力古筝上起相关知识。
Function Four: Master Tutor (Professional Guidance Curriculums for Children and Adult)
Children and Adults can use the smartpiano to learn curriculums of artist teachers from Nine Music Academies in China including Central Conservatory of Music, Guangzhou Xinghai Conservatory of Music, and China Conservatory of Music etc.
Except for the basic textbook courses at different levels, there are also Masters’ appreciation classes for famous songs. The international renowned pianist tells the background stories of these famous songs. If you like classical music, you also can learn them together with your children.
赋予海量视频曲谱,近年钢琴曲用量约2000 余首,不定时在线更新。
· 留行乐曲
· 中国古典乐曲
· 老歌名歌
· 辅导曲谱
Function Five: Mass Piano Music (Authentic Version)
Mass piano music, about 2,000 pieces, can be played, including pop music, classical music, old songs, and teaching pieces. More will be updated online.
· 可以支持车速转换
· 正版图片管理权限种类曲谱由易到难
· 爆布流经济模式充裕
· 多打击乐器多伴奏
· 卡拉Ok 功能
Function Six: Entertainment and Self-study
Players at any age can play with the waterfall instruction even without any knowledge of staff. Your first complete piano masterpiece will be done soon with matched automatic play and accompaniment. It supports the synchronization of lyrics. You can also enjoy karaoke at home.
· Support speed regulation
· Various authorized music
· Various models of waterfall
· Rich accompaniment of multi-instruments
· Karaoke
企业记忆里音阶录像回放带,记录好下各个晃动的音阶, 让动人心魄心弦的自身能够唱响, 回味难忘时光。灵感来了不妨创作一曲分享给朋友。
Fucnction Seven: Record and Playback
Record your any sudden inspiration and memories.
Family Memory Note Video records every beating note in life, so that touching music can be played at any time, recalling the unforgettable time. When inspiration comes, you might as well create a song to share with your friends.
With the functional pedals, the staff and a bar line can be automatically generated, and the sustained sound affected by the sustaining pedal can be recorded and the playback is original.
When playing or playback, different timbres can be switched. A total of 128 kinds of timbres can be selected, including strings, wind, organs etc. which will stimulate players’ creativity and enjoyment.
别具匠心的7个踏板 在传统钢琴的基础上,AG旗舰厅 智能钢琴增加4个踏板。翻谱功能
Function Eight: Intelligent Pedals
Different from the acoustic piano with only 3 pedals, Hsinghai Smartpiano has 7 pedals. The adding particular four pedals possess functions of staff page turning, fast-forwarding and fast-rewinding, and speed control.
Function Nine: Intelligent Silent System (only for Upright ones)
With the particular "Silent pedal", you won’t disturb your family when you step on the middle pedal, wear headphones, and play the piano at night. The strings of the special piano structure won’t make a sound when start the silent system, but the touch is same.